
From 9 to 12 January 2025


Visual and logos

Internet Visual

The downloadable items on this page are available.
You can choose below or the formats that suit you best.
We recall that the name and the Diving Shop logo are registered items whose use may be subject to prior approval by Show Management. If in doubt, contact us communication@salondelaplongee.com

Key visual 2025

The horizontal banners English :  728x90   700x250   320x180   300x160  
The vertical banner English :  273x385   273x415   300x600   350x550  
The square banner English :  300x300  
The square banners :  300x300  
The horizontal banners :  300x160   320x180   700x250   728x90   970x250   1000x150   1200x444   1350x260  
The vertical banners :  273x385   273x415   300x600   350x550  
Production et Organisation : HP Communication – 2 Bis Chemin de l’Ile de Beauté – 94130 Nogent Sur Marne - France